Over the Rainbow: How to Fly over with ChatGPT in Tourism

  • Taekyung Kim (Department of Business Administration, Business School, Kwangwoon University)
  • Received : 2023.04.07
  • Accepted : 2023.05.15
  • Published : 2023.03.31


Tourism and hospitality have encountered significant changes in recent years as a result of the rapid development of information technology (IT). Customers now expect more expedient services and customized travel experiences, which has intensified competition among service providers. To meet these demands, businesses have adopted sophisticated IT applications such as ChatGPT, which enables real-time interaction with consumers and provides recommendations based on their preferences. This paper focuses on the AI support-prompt middleware system, which functions as a mediator between generative AI and human users, and discusses two operational rules associated with it. The first rule is the Information Processing Rule, which requires the middleware system to determine appropriate responses based on the context of the conversation using techniques for natural language processing. The second rule is the Information Presentation Rule, which requires the middleware system to choose an appropriate language style and conversational attitude based on the gravity of the topic or the conversational context. These rules are essential for guaranteeing that the middleware system can fathom user intent and respond appropriately in various conversational contexts. This study contributes to the planning and analysis of service design by deriving design rules for middleware systems to incorporate artificial intelligence into tourism services. By comprehending the operation of AI support-prompt middleware systems, service providers can design more effective and efficient AI-driven tourism services, thereby improving the customer experience and obtaining a market advantage.



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