지지면의 종류에 따른 탄성저항 협응이동훈련이 10대 태권도 선수의 균형 및 하지의 근활성도에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Coordination Locomotor Training Using Elastic Bands on the Balance and Muscle Activity of the Lower Extremities of Teenage Taekwondo Players According to the Type of Support Surface

  • Eun-bi Kim (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Cheomdan Wooam Hospital) ;
  • Hee-kyung Jeong (Dept. of physical Therapy, Yeonse Daon Rehabilitaion Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2023.01.30
  • 심사 : 2023.04.26
  • 발행 : 2023.04.28


Purpose: This study examined the possibility of muscle strength and balance ability improvement through coordinative locomotor training by making a difference on the supporting plane using a resistance band for adolescent athlete of Taekwondo sparring athletes. Methods: A total of 22 students were selected as to the participants of the study, and 11 students each were randomly assigned to the control and experimental group for coordination locomotor training using a resistance band on stable and unstable supporting surface. The training period was 60 min, three times a week, for 8 weeks in total. To confirm changes on balance ability of each participant, balance assessment devices are used. Moreover, surface electromyography was used for muscle strength evaluation. Results: After coordinated locomotor training using a resistance band for 8 weeks, the difference bet ween groups was not significant; Also, the improvement in strength was no significant difference in other muscles in the between groups, but there was a significant in the muscle activity of the rectus muscle of the right thigh in the experimental group. Conclusion: The participants demonstrated that coordinative locomotor training using the elastic band on an unstable supporting surface was able to obtain junctional effects for the prevention of exercise injuries in youth taekwondo sparring athletes, and muscle activity exercise of the rectus muscle of the right thigh was particularly effective.



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