Effect of dietary supplementation of Bacillus subtilis TLRI 211-1 on laying performance, egg quality and blood characteristics of Leghorn layers

  • Ming-Yang Tsai (Animal Industry Division, Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Council of Agriculture (COA)) ;
  • Bor-Ling Shih (Nutrition Division, Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Council of Agriculture (COA)) ;
  • Ren-Bao Liaw (Physiology Division, Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Council of Agriculture (COA)) ;
  • Wen-Tsen Chen (Nutrition Division, Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Council of Agriculture (COA)) ;
  • Tsung-Yu Lee (Nutrition Division, Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Council of Agriculture (COA)) ;
  • Hsi-Wen Hung (Nutrition Division, Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Council of Agriculture (COA)) ;
  • Kuo-Hsiang Hung (Graduate Institute of Bioresources, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Yih-Fwu Lin (Nutrition Division, Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Council of Agriculture (COA))
  • 투고 : 2022.07.12
  • 심사 : 2022.11.15
  • 발행 : 2023.04.01


Objective: TLRI 211-1 is a novel Bacillus subtilis strain. This experiment was to investigate dietary supplementation of TLRI 211-1 on laying performance, egg quality and blood characteristics of layers. Methods: One hundred and twenty 65-wk-old Leghorn layers were divided into four treatment groups for 8 weeks experiment. Each treatment had three replicates. The basal diet was formulated as control group with crude protein 17% and metabolizable energy 2,850 kcal/kg and supplemented with TLRI 211-1 0.1%, 0.3%, and commercial Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 0.1% as treatment 2, 3 and 4 groups, respectively. Both TLRI 211-1 and commercial Bacillus amyloliquefaciens were adjusted to contain 1×109 colony-forming unit (CFU)/mL (g), hence the 0.1% supplemental level was 1×109 CFU/kg. Results: The results showed that TLRI 211-1 0.3% and commercial B. amyloliquefaciens groups had higher weight gain than the other groups; TLRI 211-1 0.1% group had better feed to eggs conversion ratio than the control and commercial B. amyloliquefaciens groups (p<0.05). Bacillus subtilis supplementation increased yolk weight (p<0.05). In egg quality during storage, TLRI 211-1 0.1% had higher breaking strength than the control group at the second week of storage (p<0.05). At the third week of storage, TLRI 211-1 0.3% had higher Haugh unit (p<0.05). Hens fed diets supplemented with TLRI 211-1 0.3% significantly decreased blood triglyceride levels and increased blood calcium levels (p<0.05). TLRI 211-1 0.3% group had lower H2S (p<0.05) and hence had less unpleasant odor in excreta of hens. Conclusion: In conclusion, supplementation with 0.1% TLRI 211-1 can significantly improve feed to eggs conversion ratio. TLRI 211-1 supplementation also can maintain eggs at their optimum quality level during storage. The study showed that B. subtilis TLRI 211-1 can be used as feed additives for improving egg production performance and egg quality.



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