The Historical Astronomic Observatory and Calendar of the Village of Graw, Northern Iraq

  • Rzger Abdulkarim ABDULA (Department, Soran University and the Petroleum and Mining Engineering Department, Tishk International University Iraq)
  • 투고 : 2023.06.12
  • 심사 : 2023.10.31
  • 발행 : 2023.12.15


The astronomic observatory of Graw Village is located on Mount Dari Lolikan, facing the village. Graw is located in the foothills of Mount Ser-i-Rash, 25 km northeast of Erbil Governorate, Iraq. This study attempts to clarify the foundations of this observatory, its components, as well as the founder and the date of its establishment. The study made efforts to clarify the benefits of this calendar to local residents in their daily lives. The database for this study is based on direct observation of the observatory station. The observation included the recording date and position of sunset and the appearance of stars throughout the year. Observation and documentation for both sunset and stars were performed over several years due to weather conditions since observation was not possible on foggy and rainy days and nights. Each observation took five to ten minutes depending on the clarity of the sky. The observatory consists of a group of stone cones. Each cone was built by stones in a specific location after careful and long observation of the sunset. Efforts were made to observe the disappearance and reappearance of the stars based on the change in the position of the Earth in relation to the sun. Graw's calendar helped to recognize important times of the year, such as the winter and summer forties, which were very important, especially when snow covered the roads, transportation stopped, crops spoiled, and pets stayed in their barn. The most important features of the winter forties are the memories, experiences, and minds of the villagers' ancestors. The forties were associated with the arrival of cold and heavier rain throughout the year, which is consistent with modern science, as the angle at which the Earth rotates increases the number and activity of weather depressions that affect the study area during this period. This observatory has a close connection with the daily life of the villagers, especially in the past centuries. It helped the people of the area in their appointments to carry out their work in the field of agriculture. The observatory was also of great importance in the field of education in the past centuries, especially in traditional religious schools. It also appears from this research that the calendar has ancient roots, which extend back thousands of years, as evidenced by the Ezidis who follow an ancient religion whose roots extend back thousands of years and who fast during both the winter and summer forties annually, with the participation of people in various regions of the world. It is not known who made this astronomic observatory but most of the oral information that has been passed down to us by word of mouth agrees on both Mullah Abdullah Al-Kurdi and Mullah Omar. Likely, this astronomic observatory was built around the late 17th and early 18th centuries.



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