재난발생과 자연적요인·사회적환경·풍수적요인간의 상관관계분석

Analysis of Industry-related Relationships between Disasters, Natural Factors, Social Factors, and Feng Shui Factors

  • 투고 : 2023.09.15
  • 심사 : 2023.12.21
  • 발행 : 2023.12.30


This study aims to investigate the correlation between the causes of natural disasters and feng shui factors targeting disaster management experts, feng shui experts, and the general public who are interested in feng shui. To this end, it is intended to reveal that the factors of the disaster at Mt. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of three factors on disasters: feng shui factors, natural factors, and social factors. To this end, a survey was conducted targeting feng shui experts, disaster management experts, master's and doctoral students in feng shui geography, residents of the Umyeonsan disaster area, and people interested in feng shui geography. 260 copies of the questionnaire were prepared and 248 copies were used for the final analysis. First, in order to analyze the impact of feng shui factors on awareness of disaster occurrence, after controlling for demographic variables, hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to analyze the impact of feng shui factors on awareness of disaster occurrence. Second, as a result of analyzing the effect of natural factors on awareness of disaster occurrence, looking at each independent variable in the second-stage regression analysis. Third, as a result of analyzing the effect of social factors on awareness of disaster occurrence, looking at each independent variable in the second-stage regression analysis. Finally, as a result of the T-test and Anova analysis conducted for discriminant analysis, if the p-value was less than .005, the F value for each group was obtained as a result of the ANOVA analysis on the feng-shui factors



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