A Survey on the Mobile Crowdsensing System life cycle: Task Allocation, Data Collection, and Data Aggregation

  • Xia Zhuoyue (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Taylor's University) ;
  • Azween Abdullah (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Taylor's University) ;
  • S.H. Kok (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Taylor's University)
  • Received : 2023.03.05
  • Published : 2023.03.30


The popularization of smart devices and subsequent optimization of their sensing capacity has resulted in a novel mobile crowdsensing (MCS) pattern, which employs smart devices as sensing nodes by recruiting users to develop a sensing network for multiple-task performance. This technique has garnered much scholarly interest in terms of sensing range, cost, and integration. The MCS is prevalent in various fields, including environmental monitoring, noise monitoring, and road monitoring. A complete MCS life cycle entails task allocation, data collection, and data aggregation. Regardless, specific drawbacks remain unresolved in this study despite extensive research on this life cycle. This article mainly summarizes single-task, multi-task allocation, and space-time multi-task allocation at the task allocation stage. Meanwhile, the quality, safety, and efficiency of data collection are discussed at the data collection stage. Edge computing, which provides a novel development idea to derive data from the MCS system, is also highlighted. Furthermore, data aggregation security and quality are summarized at the data aggregation stage. The novel development of multi-modal data aggregation is also outlined following the diversity of data obtained from MCS. Overall, this article summarizes the three aspects of the MCS life cycle, analyzes the issues underlying this study, and offers developmental directions for future scholars' reference.



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