예비수학교사의 AI 소양과 SW 역량 계발에 관한 사례 연구

A Case Study on the Pre-service Math Teacher's Development of AI Literacy and SW Competency

  • 투고 : 2023.01.26
  • 심사 : 2023.02.27
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


The aim of this study is to explore the pre-service math teachers' characteristics of education to develop their AI literacy and SW competency, and to derive some implications. We conducted a 14-hours AI and SW education program for pre-service teachers with theory and practice, and an analysis on class observation data, video frames of classes and interview, Python programming assignments and papers. The results of this case study for 3 pre-service teachers are as follows. First, two students understood artificial neural network and deep learning system accurately, furthermore, all students conducted a couple of explorations related with performance improvement of deep learning system with interest. Second, coding and exploration activities using Python improved students' computational thinking as well as SW competency, which help them give convergence education in the future. Third, they responded positively to the necessity of AI literacy and SW competency development, and to applying coding to math class. Lastly, it's necessary to endeavor to give a coding education to the student's eye level according to his or her prerequisite and to ease the burden of student's studying AI technology.



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