A Constant-Current and Constant-Voltage Control Method for Primary-Side Regulated Fly-Buck Converter

1차 측 제어 플라이벅 컨버터의 정전류 및 정전압 제어

  • Younghoon Cho (Dept. of Energy & Electrical Engineering, Tech University of Korea) ;
  • Paul Jang (Dept. of Energy & Electrical Engineering, Tech University of Korea)
  • Received : 2022.10.04
  • Accepted : 2022.10.14
  • Published : 2023.02.20


In this paper, a constant current(CC) and constant voltage(CV) control method using a primary-side regulated(PSR) fly-buck converter is proposed. Because the primary-side structure of the fly-buck converter is the same as that of the synchronous buck converter, it always operates in continuous conduction mode(CCM). Therefore, in the proposed method, the load information on the secondary side can always be easily estimated by measuring the primary inductor current at the midpoint of the switch-on period. An accurate CC/CV control can be achieved through simple calculations based on this estimated information. Consequently, the proposed method is advantageous for optimizing the control performance of the PSR converter. The validity of the proposed control was verified using a 5 W prototype of a PSR fly-buck converter. The experimental results confirmed that the current reference of 500 mA was followed within the error range of 1.2%, and that the voltage reference of 12 V was followed within the error range of 1.8% despite the indirect control of the load current and output voltage from the primary side.



본 연구는 2022년도 과학기술정보통신부 재원으로 한국에너지기술연구원(KIER)의 지원을 받아 수행되었습니다. (KIER-C2-2421)


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