The Authenticity of Business to Business Salespersons on Consultative Selling Competence: The Role of Customer Orientation

  • Received : 2023.11.30
  • Accepted : 2023.12.22
  • Published : 2023.12.31


Purpose - The study investigates the role of authenticity of B2B salespersons has on their consultative selling competence. The study also examines the mediating effect of customer orientation between the authenticity of B2B salespersons and their consultative selling competence, as well as the moderating role of trust in the buyer-seller exchange. Design/methodology/approach - This research utilized a covariance-based structural equation model technique. The study assessed the research model's moderation effects through a stepwise approach, which allowed for an examination of the moderating effect of trust in the buyer-seller relationship. Findings - As a result of structural equation analysis, this study found that the authenticity of B2B salespersons influences their consultative selling competence by mediating their customer orientation significantly. In addition, trust in the buyer-seller exchange plays a significant role as a moderating variable between customer orientation and competitive selling competence, but it is not significant as a moderating variable between the authenticity and customer orientation of B2B salespersons. Research implications or Originality - This research proposed the role of authenticity of the B2B salesperson as a key factor in the trust-based relationship and a key variable of consultative selling competence. The study has taken the research on the authenticity of the B2B salesperson one step further from the study of authenticity of the brand and the company's leadership.



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