A Model of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security of SCADA to Enhance Public Safety in UAE

  • 투고 : 2023.02.05
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


The UAE government has set its sights on creating a smart, electronic-based government system that utilizes AI. The country's collaboration with India aims to bring substantial returns through AI innovation, with a target of over $20 billion in the coming years. To achieve this goal, the UAE launched its AI strategy in 2017, focused on improving performance in key sectors and becoming a leader in AI investment. To ensure public safety as the role of AI in government grows, the country is working on developing integrated cyber security solutions for SCADA systems. A questionnaire-based study was conducted, using the AI IQ Threat Scale to measure the variables in the research model. The sample consisted of 200 individuals from the UAE government, private sector, and academia, and data was collected through online surveys and analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the AI IQ Threat Scale was effective in measuring the four main attacks and defense applications of AI. Additionally, the study reveals that AI governance and cyber defense have a positive impact on the resilience of AI systems. This study makes a valuable contribution to the UAE government's efforts to remain at the forefront of AI and technology exploitation. The results emphasize the need for appropriate evaluation models to ensure a resilient economy and improved public safety in the face of automation. The findings can inform future AI governance and cyber defense strategies for the UAE and other countries.



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