How Desirable is the Medium? Effect of Point Accumulation Scheme on Consumer Loyalty Toward Reward Program

  • 투고 : 2023.01.04
  • 심사 : 2023.01.18
  • 발행 : 2023.01.31


An accruable point scenario study was applied to examine the effect of the point-accumulation trend (diminishing vs. increasing) and the nominal value (small vs. large) of a medium for repeated consumption on program loyalty. The results showed that both factors affect consumer loyalty toward a reward program. Consumers who received a medium with an increasing accumulation trend and a large nominal value perceived a reward to be more valuable than those who received a diminishing trend and a small nominal value. The results confirmed that a large nominal value or an increasing accumulation trend increased the perception of reward and program loyalty. However, when the desirability of the medium was controlled, the effect of trend was reduced to almost negligible whereas that of the nominal value remained the same. These findings suggest how consumer perceptions of loyalty programs can be practically managed through point accumulation processes.



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