유아기 부모 스마트미디어 중재 척도 타당화 연구

Validation of a Scale Smart Media Mediation for Young Children's Parents

  • 투고 : 2022.12.15
  • 심사 : 2023.02.09
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


Objective: This study aimed to validate a scale which could measure the correct mediation behavior of parents for their children's smart media use. Methods: The subjects were comprised of 514 parents of 5-year-old children. The collected data were analyzed using Jasp. Results: First, in the primary validation process, a total of 19 items and five factors were extracted through exploratory factor analysis. Through secondary validation process, we found that the scale model satisfies the goodness-of-fit evaluation criteria and is valid through confirmatory factor analysis. The newly constructed parents smart media mediation scale in early childhood emerged as a valid and reliable scale. Second, it was found that the more parents pursue 'active mediation', 'instructive mediation', and 'supervision', and avoid 'co-viewing', and 'technical restrictions', the more they had a positive effect on children's smart media usage capabilities. Third, the total score of smart media mediation for young children's parents was found to significantly differentiate young children's smart media overdependence, and self-regulation. Conclusion/Implications: The final smart media mediation scale for young children's parents was composed of 19 items, with five factors: 'co-viewing', 'instructive mediation', 'technical restrictions', 'active mediation', and 'supervision'.



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