어린이집 조직혁신성, 영유아교사의 디지털 리터러시, 테크노스트레스와 교사효능감 간의 구조적 관계 분석

Analyzing the Structural Relationship among Childcare Center Innovativeness, Digital Literacy of Early Childhood Teachers, Technostress and Teacher Efficacy

  • 투고 : 2022.12.15
  • 심사 : 2023.02.09
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationship among child care center innovativeness, the early childhood(EC) teacher's digital literacy(DL), technostress and teacher efficacy. Methods: The participants were 454 EC teachers and were selected only if they had worked for more than one year. The innovativeness of childcare centers, the teacher's DL, technostress, and teacher efficacy were assessed through online self-report questionaries. Data were analyzed through ANOVA, t-test, and SEM. Results: First, DL and technostress of EC teachers differed in some ways depending on the teacher's demographic background, the characteristics of their working institution, and their educational level of digital skills. Second, the childcare center innovativeness directly had a significant positive effect on DL, technostress, and efficacy of the teachers. In addition, the effect of the innovativeness on teacher efficacy was mediated by DL and technostress of the teachers. Conclusion/Implications: The more efforts made of childcare centers for recognizing the rapid development of DL and trying to change, the better the teacher's scores of DL and the appropriate technostress were, which increases teacher efficacy. So, continuous training and education for teachers with consideration of age and teaching experience, as well as public aid to improve teachers' DL skills are required.



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