The Influence of E-commerce Logistics Service Quality on Customer Engagement Behavior

  • Dongxu ZHANG (College of Management, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics) ;
  • Zhuoqi TENG (College of Business Administration, Henan Finance University) ;
  • Mufeng LI (Zhengzhou Power Supply Company) ;
  • Renhong WU (School of Management, Kyung Hee University)
  • 투고 : 2023.02.24
  • 심사 : 2023.03.30
  • 발행 : 2023.04.30


Purpose: With the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics services, as an important part of e-commerce shopping, have gradually attracted people's attention. Customer engagement behavior is a new topic in marketing, and its connotation is still being explored. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between logistics service quality and customer engagement behavior. Research design, data and methodology: This study employed the method of online questionnaire survey, with Chinese e-commerce platform users as the survey objects, 248 valid survey sample data were collected, and the method of factor analysis and structural equation model analysis was used to verify the research hypothesis model constructed in this paper. Results: The four dimensions of e-commerce logistics service quality have different influences on customer satisfaction, and the influence of availability on customer satisfaction is not significant. Convenience, assurance, and security have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction; Customer satisfaction has a significant positive impact on the three dimensions of customer engagement behavior: customer repeat purchase behavior, online word-of-mouth, and customer referrals. Conclusion: The results of this study will provide useful reference for the managers of e-commerce companies to improve customer engagement behavior by improving the logistics service quality.



1. Funding Projects for the Introduction of Overseas Talents in Hebei Province, Research on the Improvement Path of Data Governance Capability of Hebei in the Context of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integrated Development (C20210108) 2. 2022 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project in Colleges and Universities of Hebei Province, Research on the Improvement Path of Government Governance Capability in Xiong'an New Area Driven by Big Data (SQ2022027) 3. Research Project of Social Science Development of Hebei Province, Empirical Analysis and Policy Research on the Transformation and Upgrading of Hebei Province's Manufacturing Industry by Digital Economy (20210201081)


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