8주간 닫힌 사슬형 필라테스 운동이 하지 정렬에 미치는 영향

Effect of an 8-week Closed Kinetic Chain Styled Pilates Exercise on Lower Limb Alignment

  • 투고 : 2023.09.20
  • 심사 : 2023.10.12
  • 발행 : 2023.12.30


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an 8-week closed kinetic chain typed Reformer and Chair Pilates exercise on static and dynamic lower limb alignment for healthy female adults. Method: Ten healthy young female adults without musculoskeletal injury history in last 6 months (Age: 29.3 ± 3.5 yrs., Height: 165 ± 3.4 cm, Body mass: 58.2 ± 5.4 kg) participated in this study. All participants asked to join the 8-week closed kinetic chain typed Reformer and Chair Pilates exercise, and the program was conducted for 60 minutes twice a week. Participants were asked to be measure a static Q-angle and performed free squat one week before and after the program. A 3-D motion analysis with 8 infrared cameras and 5 channels of EMG was executed in this study. The effectiveness of the training was evaluated by paired t-test, and the significance level was set at .05. Results: A significantly decreased in internal rotation angles was found at hip joint during free squat after the training. Also, significantly decreased in lateral rotation angles were found at knee and ankle joint during free squat after training. Finally, significantly decreased in muscle activations were found at adductor longus and peroneus longus during free squat after training. Conclusion: From results of our study, it is concluded that an 8-week closed kinetic chain typed Pilates exercise positively effect on lower limb alignment during dynamic movement.



This study is extracted from Garam Jeon's Master Thesis.


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