A Study on Leadership Trends from the Perspective of Domestic Researcher's Using BERTopic and LDA

  • 투고 : 2023.02.23
  • 심사 : 2023.03.13
  • 발행 : 2023.03.30


Purpose - This study aims to find clues necessary for the direction of leadership development suitable for the current situation by exploring the direction in which leadership has been studied from the perspective of domestic researchers, along with the arrangement of leadership theories studied in various ways. Research design, data, and methodology - A total of 7,425 papers were obtained due to the search, and 5,810 papers with English abstracts were used for analysis. For analysis, word frequency analysis, word clouding, and co-occurrence were confirmed using Python 3.7. In addition, after classifying topics related to research trends through BERTopic and LDA, trends were identified through dynamic topic modeling and OLS regression analysis. Result - As a result of the BERTopic, 14 topics such as 'Leadership management and performance' and 'Sports leadership' were derived. As a result of conducting LDA on 1,976 outliers, five topics were derived. As a result of trend analysis on topics by year, it was confirmed that five topics, such as 'military police leadership' received relative attention. Conclusion - Through the results of this study, a study on the reinterpretation of past leadership studies, a study on LMX with an expanded perspective, and a study on integrated leadership sub-factors of modern leadership theory were proposed.



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