Detection of Traditional Costumes: A Computer Vision Approach

  • Received : 2023.10.15
  • Accepted : 2023.11.24
  • Published : 2023.12.29


Traditional attire has assumed a pivotal role within the contemporary fashion industry. The objective of this study is to construct a computer vision model tailored to the recognition of traditional costumes originating from five distinct countries, namely India, Korea, Japan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Leveraging a dataset comprising 1,608 images, we proceeded to train the cutting-edge computer vision model YOLOv8. The model yielded an impressive overall mean average precision (MAP) of 96%. Notably, the Indian sari exhibited a remarkable MAP of 99%, the Tanzanian kitenge 98%, the Japanese kimono 92%, the Korean hanbok 89%, and the Vietnamese ao dai 83%. Furthermore, the model demonstrated a commendable overall box precision score of 94.7% and a recall rate of 84.3%. Within the realm of the fashion industry, this model possesses considerable utility for trend projection and the facilitation of personalized recommendation systems.



This research was supported by a grant from Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (No, P0014711).


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