An NLP-based Mixed-method Approach to Explore the Impact of Gratifications and Emotions on the Acceptance of Amazon Go

  • Arghya Ray (International Management Institute Kolkata) ;
  • Subhadeep Jana (Birla Global University) ;
  • Nripendra P. Rana (College of Business and Economics, Qatar University)
  • 투고 : 2022.05.19
  • 심사 : 2023.04.25
  • 발행 : 2023.09.30


Amazon Go is a cashierless convenience store concept, which is seen as a disruption in the grocery retail segment. Although Amazon Go has the ability to disrupt the retail segment, there are speculations on how Amazon Go will be perceived by users. Existing studies have not utilized user-generated content to understand the factors that affect customer behaviour in case of Amazon Go. Additionally, in case of phygital retail, studies have not attempted at understanding the effect of emotions and gratifications on user behaviour. To address the gap of exploring user perspectives based on their experience, we have examined the impact of gratifications and emotions on the acceptance of phygital retail using user-generated-content. A mixed-method approach has been utilized using only user-generated content. Utilizing topic-modelling based content analysis and emotion analysis on 30 articles related to Amazon Go, we found themes like, convenience, technology, experience, personalization, enjoyment and emotions like, bad, good, annoyance, success. In the empirical analysis, we have utilized 522 reviews about Amazon Go from the cognition and emotion theory stance, and found that hedonic gratifications have a positive impact on challenge emotions. We also found a significant impact of emotions on customer's favourite behaviour.



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