중국 전통 귀족 여성 예복인 직거심의(直裾深衣)의 패턴 및 3D 복원 연구

A study on pattern and 3D restoration of Chinese traditional women's robe, straight Ju(直裾深衣)

  • Sun Yuan (Dept. of Fashion Design, Hubei Engineering University) ;
  • Jihyeon Kim (Dept. of Fashion & Clothing, Seowon University) ;
  • Mi-hyang Na (Dept. of Fashion & Design, Cheongju University)
  • 투고 : 2023.08.03
  • 심사 : 2023.11.07
  • 발행 : 2023.12.31


This study analyzed the style, dimensions, fabric patterns, colors, and fabrics of a traditional Chinese women's dress from the Zhou Dynasty, and reconstructed it in the form of a virtual garment using 3D CLO. Based on ancient flat image data and three-dimensional portrait data, who wore them, how they were worn, and how they were coordinated was analyzed. In order to analyze the size and pattern of the straight Ju Chines dress, data from the excavation report and the tomb owner's anthropometric measurements were combined to infer the wearing condition and organize the sculptural features. Dimensional analysis was carried out using a well-preserved small-scale woven cotton cloth as a restoration model, and the horizontal and vertical dimensions were reasonably estimated using the shape proportioning method. The analysis of the colors and patterns of the fabrics was based on the colors and patterns of the fabrics excavated from Masan Tomb No. 1 during the Eastern Zhou, Qin, and Han periods. Finally, a virtual model was created using data from the excavation report and the age and height information of the owner of the excavated robe, and the pose and size of the virtual model were determined using 3D CLO. Based on the previous research data, the garment was virtually sewn and simulated. The shape, pressure, and strain of the garment in different postures was also compared. Through the research direction of pattern and 3D restoration, this research maximizes the restoration of Chinese traditional women's dress and presents it in a more intuitive, comprehensive, and vivid way.



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