Examination of the Application Directions of Digital Health for the Enjoyment of Healthcare Rights by People with Disabilities

장애인 건강권 향유를 위한 디지털 헬스 적용 방향 고찰

  • 정희영 (숭실사이버대학교 스포츠재활복지학과)
  • Received : 2023.12.14
  • Accepted : 2023.12.31
  • Published : 2023.12.31


This study aimed to propose application directions for South Korea's digital health policy by conducting a literature review, data analysis, and examining foreign cases. The objective was to enhance the healthcare rights of individuals with disabilities, considering the potential expansion of the digital health policy. The findings indicate that digital health holds significant promise in improving mobility and accessibility for the healthcare rights of disabled individuals in Korea. However, addressing the digital gap is crucial for achieving smooth utilization. To ensure seamless use of the digital health system, it is imperative to attain digital inclusion, encompassing digital technology, connectivity, and accessibility. Additionally, establishing governance for digital health and expanding infrastructure for affordable access to high-quality internet are essential. Despite the study's limitations arising from relying on literature research, it is anticipated that the findings can serve as foundational data for preemptive responses and provide insights into the direction of the government's digital health policy to enhance the healthcare rights of individuals with disabilities.



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