Structural Relationship between ESG Management and Safety Management and Business Performance : Focused on Regional Airport

ESG경영과 안전경영 그리고 경영성과의 구조적 관계 : 지역 공항을 중심으로

  • 조영진 (경상국립대학교 글로벌무역통상학과 ) ;
  • 성행남 (부산대학교 BK21디지털금융교육연구단) ;
  • 권진택 (경상국립대학교 국제통상학부)
  • Received : 2023.10.18
  • Accepted : 2023.10.26
  • Published : 2023.12.31


Purpose While research on ESG management in airlines is ongoing, research on airports, especially regional ones, remains insufficient. This study's point of departure is the inquiry into how the local airport industry is addressing global environmental shifts and engaging in ESG management activities. Design/methodology/approach Based on previous studies, the relationship between ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance) management, safety management, reputation, and management performance was analyzed. We analyzed 578 questionnaires through structural equation modeling using AMOS 21.0 to test our hypotheses. Findings First, environmental, social, governance, and safety management have a positive effect on both reputation and business performance. Second, reputation has affected business performance. Third, reputation was affected in the order of governance management, safety management, environmental management, and social management.



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