A Study on the Influencing Factors of Falling Disaster in Small and Medium-sized Construction Sites

중소형 건설현장의 추락재해 영향요인 분석 연구

  • Lee, Ji-Yeob (Department of Architectural Engineering, Graduate School, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Lee, Jae-Hyeon (School of Architecture, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Son, Seunghyun (Department of Architectural Engineering, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Kim, Ji-Myong (Department of Architectural Engineering, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Son, Kiyoung (School of Architecture, University of Ulsan)
  • Received : 2023.09.26
  • Accepted : 2023.10.26
  • Published : 2023.12.20


This research aims to identify risk factors for fall accidents at small and medium-sized construction sites through a comprehensive regression analysis. Initially, the study involved collecting a decade's worth of fall accident data from these sites. A t-test confirmed a significant variation in the treatment duration following fall accidents between two distinct groups: small and medium-sized versus large construction sites. Subsequently, a regression analysis was conducted to establish a model highlighting the risk factors associated with safety accidents. The factors influencing fall accidents were determined to be, in descending order of impact, the time of the accident, the day of the accident, and the occupational classification. The findings from this study are expected to serve as foundational data for enhancing policies and conducting statistical analyses tailored to construction site sizes. They also provide crucial information for future research on risk quantification at small and medium-sized construction sites.

본 연구에서 회귀분석을 통한 중소형 건설 현장 추락재해에 대한 안전사고 위험요소를 추출하기 위해 첫째, 10년간의 중소형 건설 현장에서 발생한 추락재해에 대한 데이터를 수집하였으며 둘째, t-test를 통해 중소형 건설 현장과 대형 건설 현장 두 그룹 사이의 추락재해 발생 시 진료일수의 차이가 있다는 것을 증명하였다. 마지막으로 회귀분석을 실시하여 안전사고 위험 요소에 대한 회귀 모델을 도출하였다. 추락재해에 영향을 미치는 요소는 사고 시간, 사고 요일, 직업 분류 순으로 크게 작용하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 건설 현장 규모에 따른 정책 개선 및 통계분석을 위한 기초자료와 중소형 건설 현장 위험 정량화 연구의 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 사료된다.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT)(No. RS-2023-00239089).


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