이 논문은 산업통산자원부(MOTIE)에서 지원하는 2023년도 전자부품산업 기술개발(1415185203), 산업혁신인재양성사업(P0008458), 차세대지능형반도체기술개발(20023103) 그리고 한국공학대학교 연구년 지원을 받아 연구되었음.
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- J.J.Cho, Improved Self Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy for In-situ Plasma Process Monitoring : Improved Self Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy for In-situ Plasma Process Monitoring, Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology Vol.16, No. 2, March 2017.
- J.Y.Lee, OES based PECVD Process Monitoring Accuracy Improvement by IR Background Signal Subtraction from Emission Signal, Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology Vol.18, No. 1, January 2019.
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- Russell S. Brayfield II, Optical Emission Spectroscopy of High Voltage Cold Atmospheric Plasma Generated Using Dielectric Barrier Discharges, Purdue University, 2016.
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- Jord Prangsma, The effect of cooling CCD detectors for spectroscopy, Ibsen photonics, 2015.
- Du-Yeol Pang, Temperature Control of the Alumium Plate with Peltier Module by PWM Current Control, Korean Society for Precision Engineering, 2005.
- Dong-Ryul Lee, Investigation of the Optimal Cooling Performance Using Peltier Module and Heat sink, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, 2006.