Trends of Low-Precision Processing for AI Processor

NPU 반도체를 위한 저정밀도 데이터 타입 개발 동향

  • 김혜지 (인공지능프로세서연구실) ;
  • 한진호 (인공지능프로세서연구실) ;
  • 권영수 (지능형반도체연구본부)
  • Published : 2022.02.01


With increasing size of transformer-based neural networks, a light-weight algorithm and efficient AI accelerator has been developed to train these huge networks in practical design time. In this article, we present a survey of state-of-the-art research on the low-precision computational algorithms especially for floating-point formats and their hardware accelerator. We describe the trends by focusing on the work of two leading research groups-IBM and Seoul National University-which have deep knowledge in both AI algorithm and hardware architecture. For the low-precision algorithm, we summarize two efficient floating-point formats (hybrid FP8 and radix-4 FP4) with accuracy-preserving algorithms for training on the main research stream. Moreover, we describe the AI processor architecture supporting the low-bit mixed precision computing unit including the integer engine.



This work was supported by the ICT R&D program of MSIT/IITP[2018-0-00195, Artificial Intelligence Processor Research Laboratory].


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