300-W-class Side-pumped Solar Laser

  • Qi, Hongfei (Center for Astronomy and Space Science, College of Science, China Three Gorges University) ;
  • Lan, Lanling (Center for Astronomy and Space Science, College of Science, China Three Gorges University) ;
  • Liu, Yan (Center for Astronomy and Space Science, College of Science, China Three Gorges University) ;
  • Xiang, Pengfei (Center for Astronomy and Space Science, College of Science, China Three Gorges University) ;
  • Tang, Yulong (Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (MOE), School of Physics and Astronomy, Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • 투고 : 2022.06.30
  • 심사 : 2022.09.29
  • 발행 : 2022.12.25


To realize uniform side pumping of solar lasers and improve their output power, a solar concentrating system based on off-axis parabolic mirrors is proposed. Four identical off-axis parabolic mirrors with focal length of 1,000 mm are toroidally arranged as the primary concentrator. Four two-dimensional compound parabolic concentrators (2D-CPCs) are designed as a secondary concentrator to further compress the focused spot induced by the parabolic mirrors, and the focused light is then homogenized by four rectangular diffusers and provides uniform pumping for a laser-crystal rod to achieve solar laser emission. Simulation results show that the solar power received by the laser rod, uniformity of the light spot, and output power of the solar laser are 7,872.7 W, 98%, and 351.8 W respectively. This uniform pumping configuration and concentrator design thus provide a new means for developing high-power side-pumped solid-state solar lasers.



National Natural Science Foundation of China (61675129); the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (2014CFB671); Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (19ZR1427100); Research Fund for Excellent Dissertation of China Three Gorges University (2021SSPY149).


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