Governance of A Public Platform Project in the Context of Digital Transformation Focusing on the 'Special Delivery'

공공플랫폼 구축사업의 거버넌스: 경기도 배달플랫폼 '배달특급'의 사례를 중심으로

  • 서정원 (성균관대학교 사회복지연구소)
  • Received : 2022.07.07
  • Accepted : 2022.10.18
  • Published : 2022.10.31


Recently, government agencies are actively adopting the platform model as a means of public policy. However, existing studies on the public platform are minimal and have focused on user experiences or the possibility of public usage of the platform model. Now the research concerning building governance structure and utilizing network effects of the platform after adopting the platform model in the public sector is keenly required. This study intended to ignite academic dialogue on the governance of public platforms in the context of digital transformation. This study focused on a case of the 'Special delivery,' a public delivery app established by Gyeonggi-do. In order to analyze the characteristics of the public platform and its governance structure, data were collected from press releases, policy reports, and news articles. Data was analyzed using the frame of Hagui's platform design factors and Ansell & Gash's collaborative governance model. The results of the public platform analyses showed 1) incompleteness in the value trade-off accounting, which was designed for platform business based on general cost-benefit analysis, and 2) a closed governance structure that limits direct participation of diverse user groups(i.e., service provider, customer) in order to enhance providers' utility by preventing customers' excessive online activities. The results of this study provided theoretical and policy implications regarding designing the strategy for accounting for value trade-offs and functioning governance structure for public platforms.



본 연구는 보건복지부의 재원으로 한국보건산업진흥원의 보건의료기술연구개발사업 지원에 의하여 이루어진 것임 (HI22C1477).


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