Quantifying and Cumulating the Value of Origin in CPTPP

CPTPP 원산지 가치의 계량화 및 누적에 관한 연구

  • 임병호 (한국해양수산개발원 경제전략연구본부)
  • Received : 2022.02.09
  • Accepted : 2022.02.26
  • Published : 2022.02.28


This study aims to quantify the value of origin among CPTPP and Korea, under the assumption that the 'cumulation' clause has large economic effects in multilateral FTAs and increase the possibility of improving FTA utilization. Analysing the relationship between value-added exports and FTA utilization rate, there is a positive correlation between the two variables, and the cumulation of multilateral production of CPTPP is expected to increase Korea's value-added exports. In the GTAP-VA model, the target of cumulation is calculated as 'Domestic Value Added', and all value-added of CPTPP are cumulated in the form of value added exports of exporting country. When Korea participates in CPTPP, it is possible to cumulate additional 6.3~9.6% value added, and the agreements with low FTA export utilization rates such as New Zealand, ASEAN would have greater economic effects of cumulation. For the successful implementation of CPTPP in Korea, it is necessary to develop a new origin verification system that enables multilateral value-added cumulation. It is time to seek cooperation with countries currently participating in CPTPP to prove the value added inherent in CPTPP-originating products.



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