The Role of Visual Communication for Emotional Marketing Strategy

  • HAN, Jung-Im (Department of Visual Communication Design, Wonkwang University)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.25
  • 심사 : 2022.11.15
  • 발행 : 2022.11.30


Purpose: Visual communication is the act of using elements and components that can be seen. Some of the elements include images, illustrations, drawings, and videos. The purpose of this research is to check if there is the meaningful role of visual communication for emotional marketing plan. Research design, data and methodology: The present author firstly tried to obtain prior knowledge based on numerous previous literature through qualitative content method, investigating and searching related topic in 'Scopus' and 'Google Scholar' which is one of the most famous database. This methodology has already been proved the credibility and conformability by prior researchers. Results: The current study looks at four basic aspects that will assist in analyzing the findings and results from different peer-review articles. The section will cover social media, videos, podcasts, and ads. Conclusions: Several studies also affirmed that increased use of the internet and internet for marketing causes psychological issues among adolescents. Only adults should view some of the marketing ads, but if they pop into an adolescent browser, it may cause some harmful effects. Therefore, the study concluded that moderation of online visual adverts should be done to ensure only the targeted customers view the advert.


1. Introduction

Visual communication is the act of using elements and components that can be seen. Some of the elements include images, illustrations, drawings, and videos. Visual elements have an emotional effect on the viewer and targeted group, hence being able to instill memories about the message conveyed. In marketing, creating a visual advertisement helps understand the marketing message, capture the target market's attention, and increase product or service awareness (Andiani et al., 2020).

In the modern marketing world, communication should be based on the emotional effect of the individual, including giving sample examples and explaining complex concepts about products in an emotional way. Emotional communication helps build brand loyalty since it sticks to the individuals' minds and makes them view the products and services. The old system of marketing involving street posters had several limitations that could not impact the current marking needs. With the advance of technology, organizations can introduce impactful messages through visual elements. For example, the Coca-cola company was taken to court for misleading customers. The case was that the company products were contributing to obesity. In response, the company produced two ads to correct the perception of the company (Pomeranz, 2013).

Therefore, visual communications help create brand loyalty and brand name and enhance the competitiveness of the company's edge. Use of social media ads, youtube ads, and browsers. According to prior study (De Felice et al., 2015), 90% of human perception is visual. All messaging ends in either video, illustration, or picture that gives the receiver. Therefore, visual communication as a marketing strategy creates emotions that reasonably impact the product or service market.

Advanced technology has impacted the frequent use of online advertisement elements like ads, social media, television streaming, videos, and podcasts. For the non-visual elements, a podcast was used to differentiate it from other Media like the radio. The online tool helps the subscribers to understand the message better and in a good manner. For instance, Apple Company used the podcast in 2005 and incorporated the media into the iPhone, which the company used to market its products (Berg, 2021).

Ads are visual elements used in advertisements to enhance understanding of the message. Companies use ads to describe product features and corporate social responsibilities and create a brand image. Most companies use ads in social media, browsers, websites, and YouTube videos. The ads have links that are directed to the company products for review. Ads are entertaining, although some ads are irritating, especially when the user does not need them.

2. Literature Review

The section covers the studies on visual communication as an emotional marketing strategy. First, Manic (2015) studied marketing engagement through visual content. The study looked at the visual content, market engagement, videos, and photos. The main aim was to analyze if engaging visual content like videos and photos impacts brand awareness and image. The visual content is identified as videos, illustrations, and mimics. The findings showed that visual engagement enhances customer loyalty and brand awareness and increases the overall market share.

Rytel (2010) looked at the emotional marketing concept in the postmodern era shift. The study looked at the social-economical features that directly affect consumer demand and ability to purchase goods and services. Global exchange rates, community cultures, and economic status were some of the issues that encouraged the shift from the passive or old marketing technique to the current modernized ways. The study noted that increased socialization, global exchange, and the emergence of new working partners have led to a low concentration of consumers on billboards and other old ways of marketing. The rationale for changing was to allow global competitiveness and widen the geographical marketing needs.

Quevedo (2021) stated that the rationale behind advertisements is not what actual organizations think about. Investing in more complicated marketing tools like personal selling and other promotional activities leads to losses. Increasing emotional means in the advertisement by creating visual displays helps enhance the market. The new marketing means are less costly and can increase emotions in creating a market share. Khuong and Tram (2015) stated that emotional marketing represents verbal and non-verbal communication. Communication helps in making various decisions on the consumer side. Some include purchasing decisions, brand awareness, perception of the brand or service quality, and enhancement of brand recall. The study mostly looked at the factors affecting emotional marketing, and it was clear that relationship status, gender, image, and video display in an advertisement influence the buying decision and brand image.

The previous study (Rytel, 2010) stated that emotional marketing involves communicating with companies using specific human emotions like happiness, anger, anger, and sadness in presenting some marking information to the target population. The study highlighted that various factors like location, target groups, inspiration identification, and application of appealing elements and color are vital in decorating the entire concept. In addition, the article highlighted that emotional marketing is used to create memories and immediate reactions to the product or the service to help consumers decide on the appealing product brand in the competitive market.

Previous study (Key & Czaplewski, 2017) stated that creating active emotional marketing involves analyzing the current metrics conducting research on the target market, setting the marketing goals, and using marketing tools. The article stated that in ensuring the creation of a globalization communication marketing tool, the organization should understand the global requirements and then create a communication tool appealing to the target market. Creating the communication tool for the effective creation of an appealing online advertisement.

Jorfi et al. (2014) provided the role of emotional marketing strategy in an organization. The article highlighted that some of the roles include providing awareness of the product to the available consumers. Another role includes creating a strong brand image that prevails in the market for a long and ensures consumers make informed buying decisions. Adding artificial intelligence emotional tools in marketing help ensure a precise analysis of the tool achievement and provides marketing managers with decision support regarding the product and customer perception.

According to the prior study (Smart, 2007), the M&M company had strategies to ensure competition in the market through digitalized visual videos and pictures in their advertisements. The article pointed out that modernization of the marketing mix by incorporating visual displays in the marketing strategy enhanced the organization's overall performance. The article stated that effective marketing means helping to improve managerial, financial, and strategic performance. The analysis in establishing marketing tools helps in market analysis for viable investments.

The previous study (Bozkurt, 2020) stated that the burden of organizational marketing managers to explain to the public verbal was reduced through the establishment of visual displays like video ads on social media and other platforms. Visual displays cover wider coverage; hence they are used in increasing target markets and even in globalized companies. Increasing the use of the internet worldwide has helped in ensuring progress in establishing online emotional display that sticks to the memories of the target population.

Tamulienė et al. (2020) stated that integrated communication through the visual communication strategy provides a broad awareness of the product or service on sale. Technical and complex product descriptions are simplified to ensure that every aspect of communication to be conveyed is transmitted in a proper and lasting manner. In addition, changes in the product description, features, and details are easily changeable. The overall effect help in creating strong brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the state of using the same brand for a long time despite the substitutes available in the market.

The past research (Bridson, & Evans, 2004) in an effort to face competition in the business, visual emotional communication tools were identified as the best competitive tool. Designing smart visual marketing communication tools helps analyze the website feedback and give prompt reports. In addition, the tool is a stimulus that helps initiate customer reaction, motivating clients to ensure bulky purchases and close follow-up of new brands for purchase. Therefore, according to the article, visual and emotional marketing tools are used to meet the competitiveness of the business.

The past research reviewed emotional communication for effective marketing. The study reviewed the visual and non-visual marketing tools and analyzed their impact. The study stated that emotional messages in marketing help create an image that lasts for a long time compared to non-visual tools. The study showed that using visual tools helps in ensuring the effective marketing of products and services (Lin, 2016).

Lazovic (2021) stated that emotional marketing is used to ensure the achievement of various organizational objectives. The use of smart tools helps in establishing the quality required in the market and conforming to it. This creates value in the business and reduces the overall marketing cost. Unlike the old system, where the marketing tools were central, online marketing helps reduce costs and target a large market.

3. Research Frame

Transcripts of interviews, emails, and other historical data are frequently used in qualitative analysis. Any qualitative material, whether visual or aural, is referred to as "text." QCA can help researchers to concentrate their attention while handling a lot of highly specialized data (Lee, 2021; Kim & Kang, 2021). Researchers need to be more specific when discussing the significance of their facts in the second sense. As part of this method, researchers review all of their resources to determine how each one fits into the coding system.

In addition to this, there is another qualitative analysis which has been used by researchers and this is a qualitative textual analysis and should be summarized by numerous prior resources. The present author firstly tried to obtain prior knowledge based on numerous previous literature through qualitative content method, investigating and searching related topic in ‘Scopus’ and ‘Google Scholar’ which is one of the most famous database. This methodology has already been proved the credibility and conformability by prior researchers.

As prior research (Nantharath et al., 2016) insisted, obtained textual literature does not need to include refutability and confirmation degree if the researchers take a look at wide range of understanding of the research topic. As a result, the present author conducted the qualitative textual content method and it was worthy for the present author to investigate the topic and themes of the previous works. Finally, the present author could figure out many adequate past studies to be fitted for the current research, focusing on emerging topic of the research problem (Nguyen et al., 2022).

The sampling method that was used is the purposive sampling method. Purposive sampling is an example of a sampling technique whereby the researcher selects the relevant sources of data which are the pertinent articles that will generate appropriate data for the study. Purposive sampling was used to select pieces that helped analyze the research question and present data relevant to this study. In research, sampling is instrumental because it helps gather appropriate data for use in investigations and eliminates biases (Kim, 2020).

There was also ethical consideration was considered when undertaking this study. The first ethical consideration is the acknowledgement of the researchers whose articles were used and seeking permission from them to use the pieces (Woo & Kang, 2021). It is a simple method that helps to eliminate plagiarism and shows appreciation that information from these scholars was used in supporting the research and making conclusions about the study. The second ethics is in the presentation of data. Findings in the study were presented in a manner that appeared without alteration. It is ethical since it explains the credibility and reliability of the study.

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Figure 1: Obtaining Procedure of Qualitative Dataset

4. Findings

The study looks at four basic aspects that will assist in analyzing the findings and results from different peer-review articles. The section will cover social media, videos, podcasts, and ads.

4.1. Social Media and Marketing Strategy

Alalwan et al. (2017) used social media analysis in marketing for the year 2021. The social media websites used were Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram. The evidence was that Facebook had a large percentage of the advertised items advertised online and contributed to 40%, while the others shared the remaining percentage but were not equally distributed. In addition, the study noted that there were a few incidents of cyberbullying on social media pages. Therefore, the study found a positive correlation between social media marketing strategy and buyer decisions. Products were displayed in an appealing manner, and most people reviewed the products.

The main reason for the continued increase was the appealing nature of the advertising in social media. The creation of emotional advertisements attracts people on social media and ensures an increase in purchases. The increased use of e-payment and other technological e-commerce changes have led to the increased use of social media (Lee & Hong, 2016).

Kietzmann et al. (2011) has insisted that increased use of social media has helped organizations to manage marketing through the establishment of a proper chain that lasts for a long time. The study stated that social media was used to post emotional graphics, videos, and pictures that attract followers. The study shows that an emotional post attracts followers and likes in a few minutes, increasing the sales of goods and services.

The prior study found that the covid-19 hit in 2020 led to the use of emotional visual marketing widely used by women enterprises in Malaysia Malaysia. First, the emotional visual marketing strategy help growth of businesses across the country, especially women-based business. In addition, the reduction of stress and depression among women was also witnessed. Business intervention, government restrictions across the country that limited personal selling, and social media played a vital role in the growth of women's enterprises (Tajudin et al., 2021).

Dewhirst and Devis (2020), to enhance the brand strategy at Player's cigarette, social media was used to enhance the brand image. Initially, the product was perceived as harmful and able to transmit diseases. The findings show that social media increased the brand name and necessitated the ability of the company to generate profit. The case study showed a positive influence of social media on brand strategy and the creation of company image.

4.2. Video Communication Strategy

Costa-Sánchez (2017) stated that videos are used to create affection, explain the product and demonstrate the use of the product in a designed manner. The study assessed YouTube videos of Spanish brands included in the 2015 Interbrand ranking. An assessment of 900 videos posted by 30 brand companies from different sectors was done. The study found that the videos were mainly for marketing and public relations. It also stated that good attractive messages linked with emotions by the presenters attracted many views and the overall impact was that the videos increased customer public relations and customer needs.

Consoli (2020) study analyzed new marketing communication, especially emotional marketing. Visual tools were used to express emotions and how they impact marketing. The study found that the voice or audio in marketing, when combined with a video demonstrating the actions, has a greater impact in marketing a product or service. The study used video advertisements for pain relief drugs. A comparison of a text advertisement and a video advertisement was used. The results found that the drug advertised using video had more sales since people could see the pain demonstrated and the instant relief after taking the drug.

Wang and Chan-Olmsted (2020) assessed the video links directing customers to link with the brand platform. The links were played on online YouTube videos before the actual video was being watched. The study found that more than 46% of the links were directed to various sites and sites and web browsers. The videos had all the emotions and attractive wording that attracted customers to follow the links. In addition, the customers attracted by the viewed video links were more than those attracted by old video means like televisions. Therefore, online videos have a greater impact on advertising, marketing, and creating brand loyalty.

Ajayi and Mmutle (2020) examined how videos can be used in rebuilding and rebuilding reputation by understanding and explaining the corporate social responsibility undertaken by the company. The study used ten reputable organizations in South Africa, and the findings showed that only seven out of ten were using online videos to state the corporate social responsibilities activities in the organization, while the other three companies only used the website to state the activities. The findings showed that the companies that used video gained a public reputation since the videos were available to the public (Costa-Sánchez, 2017).

4.3. Online Television Review and Broadcast

The strategy of prior study was used to outweigh the old radio system that had many programs and marketing, but the study stated that subscriptions the podcast is lower due to non-visual elements. The study (Straubhaar et al., 2015) recommended that for effective marketing, visual components like books, films, and television broadcasts may be used to motivate readers and viewers. The advanced technology in the world has led to e-books and online streaming TVs like Amazon and Netflix.

Wayne (2018) investigated their study on the Amazon broadcast and advertisement of products. The study stated that amazon streaming Tv was used by more than 190 countries across the globe, and companies are using the TV streaming channel to advertise various products, programs, and shows. For instance, in 2019, online subscribers increased in developing countries due to the wider use of online services in advertising products. The study stated that the streaming channel helps in promoting more than 10,000 products.

The prior study (Sankar & Zakkariya, 2016) targeted Thrissur, Kerala students to analyze how online TV marketing influences their buying behavior as a sample of 200 students was used. The study stated that about 70% of the sampled students were using online shopping. Online shopping among students resulted from online TV streaming and ads used in advertising products. The study stated that online TVs have an impact on youth buying and purchasing decisions.

Saumendra (2018) was to investigate how Hindu family viewers are attracted to purchasing products due to online television advertisements. The target population was 700 who used Zee Tv. The study established that online Tv streaming had an impact on advertisement and purchasing decisions within the Hindu community. Products and programs streamed via the targeted channel had the highest rating and customer reviews. In addition, there were increased online purchases of family and household products.

Roslan et al. (2021) investigated the customer presumption simplicity information on Malaysian milk. The target was mothers with children below two years. The information on the milk simplicity information was presented on the Maletian local televisions. However, the interview showed that most mothers had no information about the milk, what they should look at, or the required information. The TV started demonstrating in the show on important information on the TV, and after a while, the parents could identify the information needed in the milk, and the consumption rate increased. Therefore, visual presentation, with emotional motivation, helps in creating helpful information.

4.4. Online Ads Presentation

Kalia and Mishra (2016) analyzed the use of online advertisements on consumer buying. The study looked at the ads in social media like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The study found that ad presentation in terms of videos, videos, and pictures impacts consumer buying. Jogi and Vashisth (2021) found that the ads used in web browsers, google, youtube, and social media helps in increasing consumer behaviors.

Lapierre et al. (2017) found that online ads impact adolescents. Some ads created are presented in a manner that does not present society's moral and good conduct. The study stated that individuals in the market should ensure ads are wired to the grown-ups, especially if the advertised product is for adults' use. Parker et al. (2022), in the meta-analysis, stated that social media advertising through ads has psychological development in children. Therefore, the study recommended that ads should only be wired to the right device to avoid affecting children.

Ali et al (2020) tackled the role of online advertisement in Jordan companies. The study used ads as the means of online advertisement on social media, YouTube, and browsers. Out of the targeted companies, there was an increase in product awareness among customers due to the ads used in communication.

Table 1: Fidnings from the Current Literature Review

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5. The Implication of Practitioners in the Organization

Visual communication as an emotional marketing strategy has various implications. Firstly, visual communication helps users to make a rational decisions. For instance, by analyzing the market and the technology adoption in the area, the managers can make decisions regarding product features, reviews, and analyses. On the other hand, the potential buyers also make the right decision in deciding the type of brand useful in the market. The visual presentation also helps elaborate a complex feature within a product.

The implication of visual communication also is the revenue return. The organization using visual marketing, especially in a society embracing a higher level of technology, helps to broaden the market, increase demand and increase the company's revenue. Visual communication also reduces the cost of presentation compared to the old system, enhancing revenue by maximizing revenue and minimizing costs (Kujur & Singh, 2020).

Additionally, increased visual communication enhances innovativeness to enhance product features and brands. Visual communication as a marketing strategy helps in product differentiation; hence companies become more innovative in branding, packing, and even color to attract more customers. The marketing sites, platforms, and websites are reviewed every time through continuous updates that attract more followers and buyers.

Visual communication marketing strategy apart from imposing emotion and lasting memories on the products, makes the customers feel in touch with the business. The created touch helps build trust between the consumers and the organization. The created relationship enhances the productivity and revenue creation of the organization. Managers can also review the relationship between the organization and customers through customer reviews and feedback.

Visual communication helps customers to understand the product features. Increasing the use of visual presentations like videos, graphs, and videos helps customers better understand the products or services. It also helps in understanding the use, benefits, and harmfulness of a product. The company also is able to assess the complex features to focus on to enhance market penetration. In addition, since visual communication is available to everyone, the government can monitor all marketing activities to bar any unethical conduct within the business.

Improvement in the quality of the products and services as a concern to both customers and managers ensures proper flow of all activities. Benchmarking from competitors and proper communication through customer feedback, compliments, and complaints enhance companies' ability to improve product or service quality. This adds value to the customers and promotes the long-term image of the company. There is also a provision of various products in the visual marketing techniques. Companies embraced visual communication for emotional marketing; hence customers have a variety of product options to the buyers. Consumers also have enough information to make decisions on buying products. The information also helps managers understand the market's desire and produce products according to the requirements.

Visual marketing also helps in harnessing a ready market that is not explored. Through the comments and review, the organization can restructure its operation to modernize services provided in the organization. Restructuring, including providing online sales and shopping, increases logistic channels through relocating new areas. Timely delivery of goods and services is achieved through the proper mentioning of orders and tracking departures and returns (Kujur & Singh, 2020).

6. Limitations of the Study

This study had several limitations. One of the limitations is that it concentrated on visual communication as an emotional marketing strategy. The focus was on online and digital marketing, which is limited to the technology acceptance of the country and even individual literacy. The study cannot be applied to other marketing communication modes like newspapers, billboards, and televisions. The implication of these communication and marketing media were not covered, causing a gap as it is not seen if, under the advancement of technology, the old methods still have an impact on initiating and motivating customers to make purchasing decisions.

This study did not cover audio communication media like a podcast, digitalized media of communication, and presenting information to a targeted group. The information presented by podcasts is critical and helps send emotions that trigger customers to buy goods and services. In addition, apps that are used in marketing and advertisement were not covered. Many companies have developed apps that they use as online stores for marketing and sales.

This study was based on a literature review, not the data collection's factual findings. The information presented is secondary. Since the business environment is constantly changing, data collection and analysis were needed for the study to be current and provide current findings. In addition, the study was general and not focusing on a single study area. The results were disclosed from different sectors, which broadened the scope, but the findings did not adequately cover all the results from different sectors due to limited time and resources. Narrowing the study to geographical boundaries or per sector would help gain more knowledge in a particular field.

7. Conclusions

This study revealed the visual communication is an emotional marketing strategy in a business organization. According to the study (Kujur & Singh, 2020), visual communication helps create brand loyalty, provide information, and increase revenue for the company. Therefore, the study concluded that by initiating visual communication that is emotional in marketing, organizations could add value to the company and increase market share and brand name.

Using videos, streaming television, ads, and social media in marketing helps organizations achieve many things, including meeting the competitive edge, enlarging the market, and increasing innovation in the product feature. Setting prices, strengthening distribution channels, and meeting market needs are achieved. In conclusion, organizations using online visual communicating strategies increases sales and returns.

Emotional marketing helps instill products or services into the viewers' minds. This helps in getting instant reactions through increased sales, link followers, increased demand, and market. The emotional marketing strategy also entertains viewers, which attracts them to ensure the message being conveyed sticks into the target customer's mind. Additionally, emotional marketing has increased due to advanced technology, frequent use of Internet and e-payment systems that have fostered online shopping.

Several studies also affirmed that increased use of the internet and internet for marketing causes psychological issues among adolescents. Only adults should view some of the marketing ads, but if they pop into an adolescent browser, it may cause some harmful effects. Therefore, this study concluded that moderation of online visual adverts should be done to ensure only the targeted customers view the advert.


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