Innovative Technologies in Higher School Practice

  • Popovych, Oksana (Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education, Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty, Mukachevo State University) ;
  • Makhynia, Nataliia (Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication, Cherkasy State Technological University) ;
  • Pavlyuk, Bohdan (Department of Informatics and Information Technologies in Education, Communal Higher Educational Institution “Vinnytsia Humanities Pedagogical College”) ;
  • Vytrykhovska, Oksana (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine) ;
  • Miroshnichenko, Valentina (Psychology, Pedagogy and Social and Economic Disciplines Department, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi) ;
  • Veremijenko, Vadym (Department of Theory of Primary Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University) ;
  • Horvat, Marianna (Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Mukachevo State University)
  • Received : 2022.11.05
  • Published : 2022.11.30


Educational innovations are first created, improved or applied educational, didactic, educative, and managerial systems and their components that significantly improve the results of educational activities. The development of pedagogical technology in the global educational space is conventionally divided into three stages. The role of innovative technologies in Higher School practice is substantiated. Factors of effectiveness of the educational process are highlighted. Technology is defined as a phenomenon and its importance is emphasized, it is indicated that it is a component of human history, a form of expression of intelligence focused on solving important problems of being, a synthesis of the mind and human abilities. The most frequently used technologies in practice are classified. Among the priority educational innovations in higher education institutions, the following are highlighted. Introduction of modular training and a rating system for knowledge control (credit-modular system) into the educational process; distance learning system; computerization of libraries using electronic catalog programs and the creation of a fund of electronic educational and methodological materials; electronic system for managing the activities of an educational institution and the educational process. In the educational process, various innovative pedagogical methods are successfully used, the basis of which is interactivity and maximum proximity to the real professional activity of the future specialist. There are simulation technologies (game and discussion forms of organization); technology "case method" (maximum proximity to reality); video training methodology (maximum proximity to reality); computer modeling; interactive technologies; technologies of collective and group training; situational modeling technologies; technologies for working out discussion issues; project technology; Information Technologies; technologies of differentiated training; text-centric training technology and others.



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