수학 교실에서 동아시아 수학사 활용하기

Using History of East Asian Mathematics in Mathematics Classroom

  • JUNG, Hae Nam (Dept. of Graduate School of Education, Sungshin Women's Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.25
  • 심사 : 2022.10.31
  • 발행 : 2022.10.31


This study is to find out how to use the materials of East Asian history in mathematics classroom. Although the use of the history of mathematics in classroom is gradually considered advantageous, the usage is mainly limited to Western mathematics history. As a result, students tend to misunderstand mathematics as a preexisting thing in Western Europe. To fix this trend, it is necessary to deal with more East Asian history of mathematics in mathematics classrooms. These activities will be more effective if they are organized in the context of students' real life or include experiential activities and discussions. Here, the study suggests a way to utilize the mathematical ideas of Bāguà and Liùshísìguà, which are easily encountered in everyday life, and some concepts presented in 『Nine Chapter』 of China and 『GuSuRyak』 of Joseon. Through this activity, it is also important for students to understand mathematics in a more everyday context, and to recognize that the modern mathematics culture has been formed by interacting and influencing each other, not by the east and the west.



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