Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Measure of Positive Body Image

  • Lee, Minsun (Dept. of Fashion Design, Konkuk University Glocal Campus) ;
  • Lee, Hyun-Hwa (Dept. of Fashion Design & Textiles, Inha University)
  • Received : 2022.06.02
  • Accepted : 2022.07.10
  • Published : 2022.08.31


Current studies validate the Body Positive Scale (BP Scale) as a self-assessment instrument that captures four dimensions of the positive body image construct. We developed and evaluated a 17-item BP Scale using two focus group interviews and four independent samples (n = 1,379) of Korean women who completed online survey questionnaires. We generated an initial pool of items via literature review, content validation with experts, and focus group interviews, subsequently refining the items through exploratory analysis (Study 1). We confirmed the BP Scale's underlying dimensions with young Korean female samples (Study 2, Study 4) and with a community sample (Study 3). We also examined the construct validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability over a six-week interval. Overall, the results supported that the four-factor BP Scale demonstrates adequate validity and reliability in measuring positive body image among Korean women. The BP Scale provides a method for researchers and practitioners to understand and assess individuals' positive body image in a multifaceted manner.



This research has been supported by the AMOREPACIFIC Foundation.


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