Protectivity and safety following recombinant hepatitis B vaccine with different source of bulk compared to hepatitis B (Bio Farma) vaccine in Indonesia

  • 투고 : 2021.09.03
  • 심사 : 2021.11.11
  • 발행 : 2022.01.31


Purpose: Indonesia, a high populous and the second-highest country in epidemicity of hepatitis B in South-East Asia require maintaining its capacity of monovalent hepatitis B production to keep up with both the national immunization program and global needs. To keep the sustainability of the vaccine, a new bulk is needed to be made available. This study aims to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of Bio Farma newly formulated recombinant hepatitis B vaccines, which came from different sources of bulk, compared to the already registered hepatitis B vaccine. Materials and Methods: An experimental, randomized, double-blind, cohort intervention phase II clinical trial was conducted on three recombinant hepatitis B vaccines from different bulk sources, with Bio Farma registered hepatitis B vaccine as the control group. A total of 536 participants around age 10 to 40 years old were thricely vaccinated with twice serological assessments. The subject's safety was monitored for 28 days after each vaccination. Results: Of 536 enrolled participants, 521 finished the vaccination and serology assessments. The investigational products were proven not to be inferior to the control. All vaccines were well tolerated. No differences in rates of local and systemic reactions were seen between the investigational products and control. No serious adverse event was found to be related to the investigational vaccines. Conclusion: Investigational vaccines are shown to be equally immunogenic and safe as the control vaccine.



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