어장환경평가의 평가지수 및 등급 산정 방법 소개

Procedure of the Ecological Index and Rating Calculation Methods for Fishery Environmental Assessment

  • 박소현 (국립수산과학원 어장환경과) ;
  • 김선영 (국립수산과학원 어장환경과) ;
  • 김연정 ((주)저서생물연구센터) ;
  • 홍석진 (국립수산과학원 어장환경과) ;
  • 정래홍 (국립수산과학원 기후변화연구과) ;
  • 윤상필 (국립수산과학원 어장환경과)
  • Park, Sohyun (Marine Environment Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science) ;
  • Kim, Sunyoung (Marine Environment Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science) ;
  • Kim, Youn Jung (Korea Benthos Research Center, Co., Ltd) ;
  • Hong, Sok-Jin (Marine Environment Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science) ;
  • Jung, Rae Hong (Oceanic Climate and Ecology Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science) ;
  • Yoon, Sang-Pil (Marine Environment Research Division, National Institute of Fisheries Science)
  • 투고 : 2022.07.19
  • 심사 : 2022.08.29
  • 발행 : 2022.08.31


양식장 환경관리를 위하여 여러 나라에서 양식장 환경관리시스템을 구축하고 있으며, 어장환경평가가 그중 하나이다. 2013년에 개정된 국내 어장관리법에는 어류가두리양식장 면허를 연장할 때 어장환경평가를 받도록 명시되어 있다. 어장환경평가는 과학적 분석을 통한 평가를 바탕으로 양식장 환경 개선 조치를 실행하여, 지속 가능한 어업생산 조성, 어장 생산력 증가, 어업인의 소득 증가를 목적으로 한다. 어장환경평가의 평가지표는 저서다모류 군집을 기초로 한 생물지수인 저서동물지수(BHI)와 총유기탄소량(TOC)이며, 두 항목을 점수화하여 단일등급으로 산출하여 평가에 사용한다. 본 연구는 어장환경평가지표인 BHI와 TOC의 선정 과정과 산출된 평가 등급의 생태학적 의미를 설명한다.

Several countries are establishing management systems for aquaculture environment, and fishery environment assessment is one of them. The fishery management law amended in 2013 stipulates that a fishery environment assessment should be performed when a fish cage farm's license is extended. The purpose of the fishery environment assessment is to promote sustainable fishery, increase the fishery production capacity, and increase the fishermen incoming by implementing evaluation and improvement measures through scientific methods. The analysis items of fishery environment assessment include the Benthic Health Index (BHI), which is a biological index based on the macrobenthic polychaetes community, and total organic carbon (TOC), and the two items are scored and used for evaluation as a single grade. This study explains the selection process of BHI and TOC, which are evaluation items for fishing ground, and ecological significance of the calculated evaluation grades.



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