Direct-fed Enterococcus faecium plus bacteriophages as substitutes for pharmacological zinc oxide in weanling pigs: effects on diarrheal score and growth

  • Oh, Sang-Hyon (Department of Animal Resources Technology, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Jang, Jae-Cheol (Department of Animal Resources Technology, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lee, Chul Young (Department of Animal Resources Technology, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Han, Jeong Hee (College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute of Veterinary Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Park, Byung-Chul (Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology and Institutes of Green Bio Science and Technology, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2022.07.06
  • 심사 : 2022.09.11
  • 발행 : 2022.11.01


Objective: Effects of direct-fed Enterococcus faecium plus bacteriophages (EF-BP) were investigated as potential substitutes for pharmacological ZnO for weanling pigs. Methods: Dietary treatments were supplementations to a basal diet with none (NC), 3,000-ppm ZnO (PC), 1×1010 colony-forming units of E. faecium plus 1×108 plaque-forming units (PFU) of anti-Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophages (ST) or 1×106 PFU of each of anti-enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88 (F4)-, K99 (F5)-, and F18-type bacteriophages (EC) per kg diet. In Exp 1, twenty-eight 21-day-old crossbred weanling pigs were individually fed one of the experimental diets for 14 days and euthanized for histological examination on intestinal mucosal morphology. In Exp 2, 128 crossbred weanling pigs aged 24 days were group-fed the same experimental diets in 16 pens of 8 piglets on a farm with a high incidence of post-weaning diarrhea. Results: None of the diarrheal score or fecal consistency score (FCS), average daily gain (ADG), gain: feed ratio, structural variables of the intestinal villus, and goblet cell density, differed between the EF-BP (ST+EC) and NC groups, between EF-BP and PC, or between ST and EC, with the exception of greater gain: feed for EF-BP than for PC (p<0.05) during days 7 to 14 (Exp 1). In Exp 2, ADG was less for EF-BP vs PC during days 0 to 7 and greater for EF-BP vs NC during days 7 to 14. FCS peaked on day 7 and declined by day 14. Moreover, FCS was less for EF-BP vs NC, did not differ between EF-BP and PC, and tended to be greater for ST vs EC (p = 0.099). Collectively, EF-BP was comparable to or slightly less effective than PC in alleviating diarrhea and growth check of the weanling pigs, with ST almost as effective as PC, when they were group-fed. Conclusion: The E. faecium-bacteriophage recipe, especially E. faecium-anti-S. typhimurium, is promising as a potential substitute for pharmacological ZnO.



The authors express their appreciation to Dr. Man Jong Park and Mr. Young-Jin Byun for their assistance with the feeding trial.


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