느타리버섯 푸른곰팡이병에 관여하는 Trichoderma 속균의 동정 및 검출을 위한 PCR 기반 DNA 마커 개발

Development of PCR-based DNA markers for identification and detection of Trichoderma species associated with the green mold disease of oyster mushroom

  • 박명수 (한국농수산대학교 식량작물학부) ;
  • 서건식 (한국농수산대학교 식량작물학부) ;
  • 류재산 (한국농수산대학교 식량작물학부) ;
  • 김민경 (한국농수산대학교 식량작물학부) ;
  • 이용국 (한국농수산대학교 식량작물학부)
  • Park, Myung Soo (Department of Crops and Forestry, Korea National University of Agriculture & Fisheries) ;
  • Seo, Geon Sik (Department of Crops and Forestry, Korea National University of Agriculture & Fisheries) ;
  • Ryu, Jae San (Department of Crops and Forestry, Korea National University of Agriculture & Fisheries) ;
  • Kim, Min Kyung (Department of Crops and Forestry, Korea National University of Agriculture & Fisheries) ;
  • Lee, Yong Kuk (Department of Crops and Forestry, Korea National University of Agriculture & Fisheries)
  • 투고 : 2022.08.29
  • 심사 : 2022.09.23
  • 발행 : 2022.10.20


Trichoderma is known as pathogen caused serious green mold disease on commercial production. T. pleuroti and T. pleuroticola were common species in various mushroom media. Many strains of T. pleuroti, known as aggressive species causing major economic losses in Korea, showed benomyl resistance. Accurate identification and detection of Trichoderma species associated with oyster mushrooms is very important for disease control. We developed species-specific primers for T. pleuroticola, T. pleuroti, T. harzianum, and T. atroviride based on species-specific fragments isolated from amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis. PCR products corresponding to the predicted fragment of 500bp, 230bp, 180bp, and 410bp were amplified from T. pleuroticola, T. pleuroti, T. harzianum, and T. atroviride, respectively. Multiplex PCR assay using species-specific primers quickly and accurately identified and detected T. pleuroti from mushroom media in which various species co-exist. Our results can be useful for the effective control of mushroom disease.



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