First report of Ernogrammus zhirmunskii Markevich & Kharin, 2011 (Perciformes: Stichaeidae) in Dokdo, Korea

  • Myoung, Se Hun (Fisheries Resources Research Center, National Institute of Fisheries Science) ;
  • Woo, Min-Su (Ulleungdo-Dokdo Ocean Science Station, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology) ;
  • Min, Won Gi (Ulleungdo-Dokdo Ocean Science Station, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology) ;
  • Park, Joo Myun (Dokdo Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
  • 투고 : 2022.07.04
  • 심사 : 2022.08.12
  • 발행 : 2022.09.30


The first specimen (54.8 mm standard length) of Ernogrammus zhirmunskii Markevich & Kharin, 2011, belonging to the family Stichaeidae, was recorded in Dokdo, East Sea, Korea on July 26, 2021. This species was characterized by a single ventral lateral-line canal from the posterior margin of the pelvic-fin base extending to the anus and one or two rigid spines on the posterior part of the anal fin. This species is similar to Ernogrammus hexagrammus and Ernogrammus walkeri but differs in the number of ventral lateral-line canal present, with E. zhirmunskii consisting of one (unpaired) ventral lateral-line canal compared to other two Ernogrammus species, which have a pair of parallel ventral lateral-line canal. For further analysis of species identification, a partial gene sequence from the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (554 bp) of E. zhirmunskii was obtained for the first time. This study documents the first record of E. zhirmunskii in Korean waters and proposes the new Korean name of 'Il-gob-julbe-do-la-chi' for the species.



We are grateful to the members in Ulleungdo-Dokdo Ocean Science Station, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology for assistance with field sampling and laboratory process.


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