한반도 상공의 응결핵 연구를 위한 기상항공기 나라호의 응결핵입자계수기 개선 및 관측

Improvement and Observation of Condensation Particle Counter in Atmospheric Research Aircraft NARA for Condensation Particle Research in Korea

  • 정운선 (국립기상과학원 기상응용연구부) ;
  • 구정모 (국립기상과학원 기상응용연구부) ;
  • 김민성 (국립기상과학원 관측연구부) ;
  • 신혜민 (써니항공 기상항공기사업본부) ;
  • 고아름 (국립기상과학원 기상응용연구부) ;
  • 장기호 (국립기상과학원 기상응용연구부) ;
  • 차주완 (국립기상과학원 기상응용연구부) ;
  • 이용희 (국립기상과학원 기상응용연구부)
  • Jung, Woonseon (Research Applications Department, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences) ;
  • Ku, Jung Mo (Research Applications Department, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences) ;
  • Kim, Min-Seong (Observation Research Department, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences) ;
  • Shin, Hye-min (Atmospheric Research Aircraft Operation Department, Sunnyair) ;
  • Ko, A-Reum (Research Applications Department, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences) ;
  • Chang, Ki-Ho (Research Applications Department, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences) ;
  • Cha, Joo Wan (Research Applications Department, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences) ;
  • Lee, Yong Hee (Research Applications Department, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences)
  • 투고 : 2022.07.21
  • 심사 : 2022.08.21
  • 발행 : 2022.09.30


In this study, we improved the water-based condensation particle counter in Atmospheric Research Aircraft NARA and investigated the condensation particle number concentration over the Korean peninsula. Pump and set point information were changed to improve the instrument used by aircraft for observation. Ground-based observational result showed that the error between two instruments, which are water-based condensation particle counter and butanol-based condensation particle counter, was 4.7%. Aerial observational result revealed that the number concentration before improvement indicate large variation with unstable condition, whereas the number concentration after improvement indicate a reasonable variation. After improvement, the number concentration was 706±499 particle/cm3 in the West Sea and 257±80 particle/cm3 in Gangwon-do, and these are similar to the concentration range reported in previous studies. Notably, this is the first attempt to use aerial observation with water-based condensation particle counter to investigate condensation particle number concentration.



이 연구는 기상청 국립기상과학원 「기상조절 및 구름물리 연구」(KMA2018-00224) 의 지원으로 수행되었습니다.


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