Impact of Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum Exploitation on Fern Richness and Biomass Potential in the Semi-Deciduous Rain Forest of Cameroon

  • Cedric, Chimi Djomo (Institute of Agricultural Research for the Development (IRAD)) ;
  • Nfornkah, Barnabas Neba (International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR)) ;
  • Louis-Paul-Roger, Kabelong Banoho (Department of Plant Biology and Laboratory of Plant Botanic and Ecology, Laboratory of Systematics and Ecology Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I) ;
  • Kevine, Tsoupoh Kemnang Mikelle (Department of Plant Biology and Laboratory of Plant Botanic and Ecology, Laboratory of Systematics and Ecology Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I) ;
  • Awazi, Nyong Princely (Department of Forestry and Wildlife Technology, College of Technology, University of Bamenda) ;
  • Forje, Gadinga Walter (Department of Forestry, Laboratory of Environmental Geomatics, University of Dschang) ;
  • Louis, Zapfack (Department of Plant Biology and Laboratory of Plant Botanic and Ecology, Laboratory of Systematics and Ecology Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I)
  • Received : 2021.09.17
  • Accepted : 2022.07.28
  • Published : 2022.09.30


Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum is the plant species most affected by logging activities in the East Region of Cameroon due to its market value. This logging has impacted the ecological niche of the fern plant for which limited research has been done. The aim of this study is to contribute towards improving knowledge of fern richness and biomass on T. scleroxylon within the Central African sub-region. Fern data collection was done on 20 felled/harvested T. scleroxylon where, in addition to fern inventory, fern biomass was collected by the destructive method. The diameter and height of T. scleroxylon measured were used as explanatory variables in allometric equations for fern biomass estimation. Fern inventory was characterized using diversity index. Eight fern species were recorded on T. scleroxylon (≈5 species/T. scleroxylon). The minimum diameter where fern could be found is 59.4 cm. The average fern biomass found was 23.62 kg/T. scleroxylon. Pearson correlation coefficient showed a positive correlation (r>0.55) between fern biomass and T. scleroxylon diameter. For allometric equation, the logarithmic model improved better the adjustment than the non-logarithmic model. However, the quality of the adjustment is improved more when only the diameter is considered as an explanatory variable. Fern biomass is estimated to 90.08 kg/ha-1 with 76.02 kg/ha-1 being lost due to T. scleroxylon exploitation in the study area. This study is a contribution towards increasing knowledge of fern diversity specific to T. scleroxylon, and also fern biomass contribution to climate change mitigation and the potential carbon loss due to T. scleroxylon exploitation.



The authors wish to thank IDEA WILD Foundation for equipment support (Laptop, diameter tape, GPS, digital camera, Fiberglass Tape, Refill and electronic balance) and also the director of the forest management unit, where this study was carried out for the facilities provided during fieldwork.


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