항공사 비대면 서비스 품질에 대한 이용자 인식 연구

Examining User Perception about Airline Untact Service Quality

  • 이소정 (이화여자대학교 신산업융합대학 국제사무학과) ;
  • 안재영 (연세대학교 정보대학원) ;
  • 윤혜정 (이화여자대학교 신산업융합대학 국제사무학과)
  • Lee, Sojeong (Department of International Office Administration, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • An, Jaeyoung (Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University) ;
  • Yun, Haejung (Department of International Office Administration, Ewha Womans University)
  • 투고 : 2022.08.05
  • 심사 : 2022.08.31
  • 발행 : 2022.09.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore dimensions to improve airline non-face-to-face(untact) service quality and identify shadow work dimensions in the digital environment among them. Methods: This study conducted mixed method. First of all, For finding out the dimensions of airline untact service quality, in-depth interviews were conducted from passengers. The collected data through the survey were analyzed using improved importance-performance analysis(IPA). Second, An online survey was conducted to quantitatively analyze user perception about airline untact service quality, and the importance performance of service quality at each dimension was identified through the revised IPA method. Results: The results of this study are as follows; Through in-depth interviews, 11 dimensions found out and 32 measurement items were developed. and then, through the revised IPA analysis, passengers were highly satisfied with "Cleanliness of in-flight service" and "Reliability of self check-in". Also, We found 3 shadow work dimensions such as "Ease of use of self check-in", "Usefulness of self check-in", and "Responsiveness of self check-in". Conclusion: Airline service providers have to keep high-satisfaction services and urgently improve less satisfied services. In particular, the dimensions related to shadow work have to be improved.



이 논문은 2021년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 일반공동연구지원사업의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2021S1A5A2A03064273).


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