Legal Regulation Of Digital Rights In Ukraine

  • Bilenko, Marianna (Kyiv Regional Center of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine) ;
  • Ilchenko, Hanna (State University of Trade and Economics) ;
  • Herych, Anatolii (Financial and Informative Law Uzhhorod National University) ;
  • Solodka, Olena (National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine) ;
  • Podolyak, Svitlana (National Technical University of Ukraine (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute))
  • 투고 : 2022.09.05
  • 발행 : 2022.09.30


In the scientific research, the object of research is a complex of legal relations, which are formed by the use of modern digital technologies. The subject of this work is the novelties of Ukrainian and foreign legislation, norms of international law aimed at regulating social relations in the field of digital rights, as well as doctrinal provisions and materials of law enforcement practice. Within the framework of this work, two types of digital rights are distinguished, those that exist in the law of Ukraine, and the issues of law that apply to legal relations, regarding the turnover of each of them, are considered. Examples of law applied in foreign countries are given for comparison. On the basis of a comprehensive study of the legal framework and positions of scientists, the prospects for the development of legal regulation of digital rights were noted.



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