산서에 나타난 연습문제들의 내용

Contents on Exercises in Mathematical Texts in Joseon

  • 투고 : 2022.08.04
  • 심사 : 2022.08.30
  • 발행 : 2022.08.31


In learning mathematics, if you know how much mathematics is related to real life, you can understand mathematics much more easily. So, in many cases, practical instances are used in exercises. This is the way that has been used in mathematical texts since ancient times. From this perspective, these practical problems enable to reflect the very contemporary lives of those who learn mathematics. In this paper, types of contents of the exercises in mathematical texts of Joseon Dynasty are investigated, so that it may be possible to imagine the life in Joseon dynasty.



이 논문은 2022학년도 배재대학교 교내학술연구비 지원에 의하여 수행된 것임.


  1. GUO Shuchun ed., ZhongGuo Kexue Jishu Dianji Tonghui Shuxuejuan, Henan Jiaoyu Pub. Co., 1993.
  2. GYEONG SeonJing, MukSaJibSanBeob, Collection of the Historical Sources in the Science and Technology of Korea, Mathematics Part 1, 1-368, Ryeogang Pub. Co., 1985.
  3. GYEONG SeonJing, MukSaJibSanBeob, KyoWooSa, 2006.
  4. HONG JeongHa, GuillJib, Collection of the Historical Sources in the Science and Technology of Korea, Mathematics Part 2, 201-693, Ryeogang Pub. Co., 1985.
  5. HONG JeongHa, GuilJib, KyoWooSa, 2006.
  6. Mathematics 4-1, Textbook in Elementary School, Visang, 2022.
  7. MIN GilJa, Traditional Fablic, DaeWonSa, 1997.
  8. James STEWART, Daniel CLEGG, Saleem WATSON, Calculus, Cengage, 2020.
  9. YANG Hui, Cha Chong-Cheon ed. YangHui SuanFa, Collection of the Oriental Mathematics V, KyoWooSa, 2006.