Reimbursement of Digital Therapeutics: Future Perspectives in Korea

  • Jin Han Ju (HIRA Research Institute, Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service) ;
  • Boram Sim (HIRA Research Institute, Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service) ;
  • Jeongeun Lee (HIRA Research Institute, Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service) ;
  • Jin Yong Lee (HIRA Research Institute, Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service)
  • Received : 2022.01.10
  • Accepted : 2022.02.22
  • Published : 2022.04.01


Digital health is rapidly growing worldwide and its area is expanding from wellness to treatment due to digital therapeutics (DTx). This study compared DTx in the Korean context with other countries to better understand its political and practical implications. DTx is generally the same internationally, often categorized as software as a medical device. It provides evidence-based therapeutic interventions for medical disabilities and diseases. Abroad, DTx support entailed state subsidies and fundraising and national health insurance coverage. In the case of national health insurance coverage, most cases were applied to mental diseases. Moreover, in Japan, DTx related to hypertension will possibly be under discussion for national health insurance coverage in 2022. In overseas countries, coverage was decided only when the clinical effects were equivalent to those provided by existing technology, and in the UK, real usage data for DTx and associated evaluations were reflected by national health coverage determination. Prices were either determined through closed negotiations with health insurance operating agencies and manufacturers or established based on existing technology. Concerning the current situation, DTx dealing with various diseases including hypertension are expected to be developed near in the future, and the demand for use and compensation will likely increase. Therefore, it is urgent to define and prepare for DTx, relevant support systems, and health insurance coverage listings. Several support systems must be considered, including government subsidies, science/technology funds, and health insurance.



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