공공데이터 활용성 제고를 위한 권리처리 플랫폼 구축 전략

Strategy for Establishing a Rights Processing Platform to Enhance the Utilization of Open Data

  • 심준보 (고려대학교 정보보호대학원 사이버보안학과) ;
  • 권헌영 (고려대학교 정보보호대학원 정보보호학과)
  • 투고 : 2022.06.07
  • 심사 : 2022.07.01
  • 발행 : 2022.06.30


Open Data is an essential resource for the data industry. 'Act On Promotion Of The Provision And Use Of Public Data', enacted on July 30, 2013, mandates public institutions to manage the quality of Open Data and provide it to the public. Via such a legislation, the legal basis for the public to Open Data is prepared. Furthermore, public institutions are prohibited from developing and providing open data services that are duplicated or similar to those of the private sector, and private start-ups using open data are supported. However, as the demand for Open Data gradually increases, the cases of refusal to provide or interruption of Open Data held by public institutions are also increasing. Accordingly, the 'Open Data Mediation Committee' is established and operated so that the right to use data can be rescued through a simple dispute mediation procedure rather than complicated administrative litigation. The main issues dealt with in dispute settlement so far are usually the rights of third parties, such as open data including personal information, private information such as trade secrets, and copyrights. Plus, non-open data cannot be provided without the consent of the information subject. Rather than processing non-open data into open data through de-identification processing, positive results can be expected if consent is provided through active rights processing of the personal information subject. Not only can the Public Mydata Service be used by the information subject, but Open Data applicants will also be able to secure higher quality Open Data, which will have a positive impact on fostering the private data industry. This study derives a plan to establish a rights processing platform to enhance the usability of Open Data, including private information such as personal information, trade secrets, and copyright, which have become an issue when providing Open Data since 2014. With that, the proposals in this study are expected to serve as a stepping stone to revitalize private start-ups through the use of wide Open Data and improve public convenience through Public MyData services of information subjects.



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