First Record of the Big Red Cardinalfish, Apogon unicolor (Apogonidae: Perciformes) from Korea

한국산 동갈돔과 어류 첫기록종, Apogon unicolor

  • Han, Song-Hun (Jeju Fisheries Research Institute, NIFS) ;
  • Kim, Maeng Jin (Fisheries Resources and Environment Division, West Fisheries Institute, NIFS) ;
  • Song, Choon Bok (College of Ocean Sciences, Jeju National University)
  • 한송헌 (국립수산과학원 제주수산연구소) ;
  • 김맹진 (국립수산과학원 서해수산연구소) ;
  • 송춘복 (제주대학교 해양과학대학)
  • Received : 2022.02.16
  • Accepted : 2022.04.21
  • Published : 2022.06.30


Two specimens of Apogon unicolor (81.0 mm and 96.3 mm in standard length) belonging to the family Apogonidae were firstly collected by using a gill net from the southwestern coastal waters of Jejudo Island, Korea in July 2013. These species are characterized by having 26 lateral line pores, a first dorsal fin with 6 spines, 2+1+8=11 developed gill rackers, posterior margin of preopercle serrated, without markings and spots on the body. Our specimens are well-matched in their morphological and molecular characteristics with Apogon unicolor previously reported. Thus, we newly add this species to the Korean fish fauna and propose its new Korean name "Jin-hong-eol-ge-bi-neul" because the overall fish body and fins reveal deep red colors.

동갈돔과에 속하는 Apogon unicolor 2개체(표준체장 81.0, 96.3 mm)가 제주도 차귀도 연안 자망에서 처음으로 채집되었다. 이 종은 측선공수가 26개, 첫 번째 등지느러미수가 6개, 새파수 11개(2+1+8)이며, 안하골과 전새개골의 가장자리에 거치상이 있고, 체측에 무늬나 반점이 없다. 이번에 채집된 표본은 형태와 분자유전학적 특징이 기존의 보고와 잘 일치하였으며 채색에 있어서 몸체와 지느러미가 전반적으로 홍색을 짙게 띠고 있어 이 종의 국명을 "진홍얼게비늘"로 제안한다.



This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Fisheries Science (R2022038).


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