European Experience in Implementing Innovative Educational Technologies in the Field of Culture and the Arts: Current Problems and Vectors of Development

  • Kdyrova, I.O. (Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Faculty of Music, Department of Music) ;
  • Grynyshyna, M.O. (Department of Directing and Acting Skill Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Faculty of Theater, Cinema and Variety, Department of Directing and Acting Skill) ;
  • Yur, M.V. (Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Department of Curatorial and Exhibition Activity and Cultural Exchanges) ;
  • Osadcha, O.A. (Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Faculty of Design, Department of Drawing and Painting) ;
  • Varyvonchyk, A. (Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts Faculty of design and advertising Department of Center Design)
  • Received : 2022.05.05
  • Published : 2022.05.30


The main purpose of the work is to analyze modern innovative educational practices in the field of culture and art and their effectiveness in the context of the spread of digitalization trends. The study used general scientific theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparative, induction, deduction, reductionism, and a number of others, allowing you to fully understand the pattern of modern modernization processes in a long historical development and demonstrate how the rejection of the negativity of progress allows talented artists to realize their own potential. The study established the advantages and disadvantages of involving innovative technologies in the educational process on the example of European experience and outlined possible ways of implementing digitalization processes in Ukrainian institutions of higher education, formulated the main difficulties encountered by teachers and students in the use of technological innovation in the pandemic. The rapid development of digital technologies has had a great impact on the sphere of culture and art, both visual, scenic, and musical in all processes: creation, reproduction, perception, learning, etc. In the field of art education, there is a synthesis of creative practices with digital technologies. In terms of music education, these processes at the present stage are provided with digital tools of specially developed software (music programs for composition and typing of musical text, recording, and correction of sound, for quality listening to the whole work or its fragments) for training programs used in institutional education and non-institutional learning as a means of independent mastering of the theory and practice of music-making, as well as other programs and technical tools without which contemporary art cannot be imagined. In modern stage education, the involvement of video technologies, means of remote communication, allowing realtime adjustment of the educational process, is actualized. In the sphere of fine arts, there is a transformation of communicative forms of interaction between the teacher and students, which in the conditions of the pandemic are of two-way communication with the help of information and communication technologies. At this stage, there is an intensification of transformation processes in the educational industry in the areas of culture and art.



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