Self-sufficiencies in Cyber Technologies: A requirement study on Saudi Arabia

  • Alhalafi, Nawaf (La Trobe University, Computer Science & Information Technology Department) ;
  • Veeraraghavan, Prakash (La Trobe University, Computer Science & Information Technology Department)
  • 투고 : 2022.05.05
  • 발행 : 2022.05.30


Speedy development has been witnessed in communication technologies and the adoption of the Internet across the world. Information dissemination is the primary goal of these technologies. One of the rapidly developing nations in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia, where the use of communication technologies, including mobile and Internet, has drastically risen in recent times. These advancements are relatively new to the region when contrasted to developed nations. Thus, offenses arising from the adoption of these technologies may be new to Saudi Arabians. This study examines cyber security awareness among Saudi Arabian citizens in distinct settings. A comparison is made between the cybersecurity policy guidelines adopted in Saudi Arabia and three other nations. This review will explore distinct essential elements and approaches to mitigating cybercrimes in the United States, Singapore, and India. Following an analysis of the current cybersecurity framework in Saudi Arabia, suggestions for improvement are determined from the overall findings. A key objective is enhancing the nationwide focus on efficient safety and security systems. While the participants display a clear knowledge of IT, the surveyed literature shows limited awareness of the risks related to cyber security practices and the role of government in promoting data safety across the Internet. As the findings indicate, proper frameworks regarding cyber security need to be considered to ensure that associated threats are mitigated as Saudi Arabia aspires to become an efficient smart nation.



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