Faster-than-real-time Hybrid Automotive Underwater Glider Simulation for Ocean Mapping

  • Received : 2022.04.14
  • Accepted : 2022.05.28
  • Published : 2022.05.30


The introduction of autonomous underwater gliders (AUGs) specifically addresses the reduction of operational costs that were previously prohibited with conventional autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) using a "scaling-down" design philosophy by utilizing the characteristics of autonomous drifters to far extend operation duration and coverage. Long-duration, wide-area missions raise the cost and complexity of in-water testing for novel approaches to autonomous mission planning. As a result, a simulator that supports the rapid design, development, and testing of autonomy solutions across a wide range using software-in-the-loop simulation at faster-than-real-time speeds becomes critical. This paper describes a faster-than-real-time AUG simulator that can support high-resolution bathymetry for a wide variety of ocean environments, including ocean currents, various sensors, and vehicle dynamics. On top of the de facto standard ROS-Gazebo framework and open-sourced underwater vehicle simulation packages, features specific to AUGs for ocean mapping are developed. For vehicle dynamics, the next-generation hybrid autonomous underwater gliders (Hybrid-AUGs) operate with both the buoyancy engine and the thrusters to improve navigation for bathymetry mappings, e.g., line trajectory, are is implemented since because it can also describe conventional AUGs without the thrusters. The simulation results are validated with experiments while operating at 120 times faster than the real-time.



AUG Sim would have been impossible without the basis of existing open-source software, especially the Project DAVE(Dave, 2022), UUV Simulator(Manhaes et al., 2016), and simulation from the WHOI Deep Submergence Lab(Vaughn and Suman, 2022). In addition, we would like to thank Gregory Burgess and Peter Ventola in MIT-WHOI Joint Program for testing and feedback during the developments; Michael Jakuba for providing initial template codes for bathymetry assimilation. This research was performed while the author held an NRC Research Associateship award at(Field Robotics Laboratory at NPS)


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