이 논문은 2022년도 청주대학교 연구장학지원에 의한 것임.
- Kim, Jeong Gyu, Yang, Oh, "Design of DC OPTIMIZER for Maximum Power Generation System of Solar Panel", Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, v.17, no1, 40-44, 2018.
- Kopecek, R., Libal, J., "Towards large-scale deployment of bifacial photovoltaics", Nature Energy, 3, 443-446, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-018-0178-0
- Park, Seongus, "Developmnet of Unmanned Cleaning Robot for Floating Photovoltaic Panels", Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, v.19, no3, 130-135, 2020.
- Zarmai, M. T., Ekere, N., Oduoza, C. F., Amalu, E. H., "A review of intercom nection technologies for improved crystalline silicon solar cell photo voltaic module assembly", Appl. Energy, 154, 173-182, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.04.120
- Export import bank of korea, "2017 Year the second quarter solar industry trends", 2017.
- Masuko, K., Shigematsu, M., Yoshimura, N., "Achievement of more than 25% conversion efficiency with crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cell", IEEE J. Photovolt., 4(6), 1433-1435, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1109/JPHOTOV.2014.2352151
- Kang, J. G., Kim. J. T., "Development Trend of Bifacial PV Technology", Bulletin of the Korea photovoltaic society, Vol.1, No.2 pp. 57-64.
- Hansen, C., Riley, D., Toor, F., and Stein, J., "A Detailed Performance Model for Bifacial PV Modules", Sandia National Lab., 2017.
- Siyu Guo, Timothy Mical Walsh, and Marius Peters, "Vertically mounted Bifacial photovoltaic modules : A global analysis", Energy, Vol. 61. No. 1. pp. 447-454. 2013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2013.08.040
- S. H. Kang, "Study on the temperature variance and electrical characteristic of PV module by applying heat removal backsheet", Departmnet of energy Engineering, Jeonbuk National University Graduate School, 2014.