Multifractal Classification of the Disturbed Areas of the Sidi Chennane Phosphate Deposit, Morocco

  • Ayad, Abderrahim (Earth Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Abdelmalek Essaadi University) ;
  • Bakkali, Saad (Earth Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Abdelmalek Essaadi University)
  • Received : 2022.04.29
  • Accepted : 2022.06.07
  • Published : 2022.06.28


The irregular shape of the disturbances is a fundamental issue for mining engineers at the Sidi Chennane phosphate deposit in Morocco. A precise classification of disturbed areas is therefore necessary to understand their part in the overall volume of phosphate. In this paper, we investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of studying and measuring multifractal spectrums as a defining and representative parameter for distinguishing between the phosphate deposit of a low rate of disturbances and the deposit of a high rate. An empirical multifractal approach was used by analyzing the disturbed areas through the geoelectric images of an area located in the Sidi Chennane phosphate deposit. The Generalized fractal dimension, D(q), the Singularities of strength, α(q), the local dimension, f(α) and their conjugate parameter the mass exponent, τ(q) as well as f(α)-α spectrum were the common multifractal parameters used. The results reported show wide variations of the analyzed images, indicating that the multifractal analysis is an indicator for evaluate and characterize the disturbed areas within the phosphates deposits through the studied geoelectric images. This could be the starting point for future work aimed at improving phosphate exploration planning.



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