Thermally assisted IRSL and VSL measurements of display glass from mobile phones for retrospective dosimetry

  • Discher, Michael (Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Department of Geography and Geology) ;
  • Kim, Hyoungtaek (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Radiation Safety Management Division) ;
  • Lee, Jungil (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Radiation Safety Management Division)
  • Received : 2021.04.15
  • Accepted : 2021.07.16
  • Published : 2022.02.25


Investigations of retrospective dosimetry have shown that components of mobile phones are suitable as emergency dosimeters in case of radiological incidents. For physical dosimetry, components can be read out using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), thermoluminescence (TL) and phototransferred thermoluminescence (PTTL) methods to determine the absorbed dose. This paper deals with a feasibility study of display glass from modern mobile phones that are measured by thermally assisted (Ta) optically stimulated luminescence. Violet (VSL, 405 nm) and infrared (IRSL, 850 nm) LEDs were used for optical stimulation and two protocols (Ta-VSL and Ta-IRSL) were tested. The aim was to systematically investigate the luminescence properties, compare the results to blue stimulated Ta-BSL protocol (458 nm) and to develop a robust measurement protocol for the usage as an emergency dosimeter after an incident with ionizing radiation. First, the native signals were measured to calculate the zero dose signal. Next, the reproducibility and dose response of the luminescence signals were analyzed. Finally, the signal stability was tested after the storage of irradiated samples at room temperature. In general, the developed Ta-IRSL and Ta-VSL protocols indicate usability, however, further research is needed to test the potential of a new protocol for physical retrospective dosimetry.



The study was mainly carried out under the National Long- & Intermediate-Term Project of Nuclear Energy Development of Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea (No.2017M2A8A4015255) and the Nuclear Safety Research Program through the Korea Foundation Of Nuclear Safety (KoFONs) (No.1803014). The scientific cooperation is partially conducted in the framework of EPU (Eurasia-Pacific UNINET) network and partially funded by funds of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) Austria (project periods: 2020/2021).


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